Preparing for your first appointment:
– Complete the client intake form as fully as you can (this form will be emailed to you when you schedule your first appointment)
– Prepare a brief chronology of key dates
Bring the following documents:
– Your 3 most recent income tax returns
– If you own a home, the most recent property tax assessment
– Account statements for all of your significant property/assets (including your home, bank accounts, investment accounts, RRSP accounts, pensions etc.)
– Account statements for all of your significant debts/liabilities (including your mortgage, lines of credit, personal loans, credit cards etc.)
– Documentation to verify any property/assets that you owned at the outset of your relationship
– Documentation to verify any property/assets that you inherited or were gifted during your relationship
– If you have a controlling interest in a company, the last three years of financial statements for that company
– if you are a beneficiary under a trust the trust settlement agreement and the trust’s 3 most recent financial statements;
– Make a list of any questions you have
– Check out our resources page
– Be prepared to provide full disclosure of your financial and personal circumstances as failure to do so may impair our ability to provide thorough and accurate legal advice